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Lenovo ESG

Combatting Climate Change: Operations

Reducing our impact

Lenovo's most significant environmental aspect is emissions associated with energy consumption, we have a goal to continually improve the energy efficiency of our operations as well as identify further opportunities to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Our energy savings activities include:

Installation of low-energy equipment (including LED lighting, smart lighting system, air compressor, air conditioning, and sewage treatment plant motors automation)

Energy-efficiency improvement to air compressor and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system

Various manufacturing sites, office locations in EMEA, and the Beijing headquarters location are ISO 50001:2018 certified

Manufacturing area optimization—by integrating and modifying assembly lines

Implementing a low-temperature solder process

Adoption of energy-saving and environmentally friendly materials in new construction

Improving server/data center energy efficiency

Consolidating operations

Energy conservation education and promotion to employees

Energy Management System - ISO 50001

Lenovo is ISO 50001 - Energy Management System certified in all European Union (EU) locations. During FY 2019/20, we expanded our Energy Management System (EnMS) to the East part of our headquarters in Beijing, China and manufacturing plant in Hefei, China and obtained ISO 50001 certifications. We developed a global level target for Lenovo’s ISO 50001 certified locations as follows: Reduce total energy consumption by at least 1.5 percent in next three fiscal years, relative to the FY 2019/20 energy baseline.

Having a first-rate EMS in place will further improve our energy performance. It also leads to better energy efficiency, lower use, and consumption – leading ultimately to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and other related environmental impacts. Additionally, it will increase our employees' awareness of responsible energy behavior.

Click here to see our ISO 50001 certificates.

Renewable Energy

Lenovo is committed in reducing our global carbon footprint by meeting our targets for absolute reductions of GHG emissions from our operations and by driving similar reductions in Lenovo’s supply chain and product usage. In support of this commitment, we continue to expand our use of solar energy.

Lenovo's renewable energy installations help to reduce Scope 2 emissions at its facilities. In June 2022, Lenovo enabled 500 KW of solar electric as part of its phase 1 plans at its new factory in Budapest, Hungary.

In addition to the 17 MW of solar electric that are currently operational, the Company continues to investigate additional opportunities for solar installations in Brazil, Mexico, and China.

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

The images above are of solar panel installations at the Company’s Budapest, Hungary and Wuhan, China locations.

Renewable Energy Commodities

Where the use of renewable energy is not technically or economically feasible, Lenovo purchases renewable energy commodities, such as Renewable Energy Credits (REC), International Renewable Energy Credits (I-REC), and Guarantees of Origin (GO).

In FY 2022/23, Lenovo purchased renewable commodities that supported 100 percent renewable energy consisting of wind and/or solar power in various parts of the world including Brazil, China, India, Europe, and US.

Any renewable energy instruments purchased by Lenovo must demonstrate that the carbon reductions are real, additional, permanent, verifiable, and certified to recognizable industry standards (e.g. Green-e, Verified Carbon Standard, and I-REC).

Product Energy Efficiency

Product energy efficiency remains a core focus for Lenovo. To ensure that it is adhering to existing and proposed global IT product energy efficiency policies and regulations for current and future technology, Lenovo collaborates with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and industry stakeholder workgroups. The results of these efforts are leveraged to develop leading-edge products with improved operating efficiencies.

Lenovo actively manages its response to ongoing energy-related regulatory activities such as updates to emerging protocols and regulations, and industry-related standards, including:

  • ENERGY STAR® program specifications
  • US Department of Energy (DOE) Appliance and Equipment Standards
  • California Appliance Efficiency Program requirements
  • China Energy Label (CEL) and China Energy Conservation Program (CECP) Standards
  • EU Ecodesign (ErP) requirements

For more information click here.

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