Pro for Business
Pro for Business
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Lenovo Pro
Lenovo Pro Business Store
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Sign In with One-time Code
Sign In with a One-time Code
What’s the one-time code?
A one-time code is the most secure way to sign in. Here is how it works: we send a passcode to your email and prompt you to enter the code, which will immediately sign you into your Lenovo account.
Please enter the code we just emailed to
. It expires in 15 minutes.
Verify & Create Account
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Resend Code
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Sign in with Password
You’re signed in!
Thanks for signing in with a one-time code. The next time you sign in, we’ll send you a new code, so you can sign in even quicker.
Continue and use a password next time
Verify Account
Please enter the code we just emailed to
. It expires in 15 minutes.
Verify & Create Account
Didn’t receive code within one minute ?
Resend Code
Example: 99999999999
Enter your NZBN to fill in your company details.
Please enter a valid format.

Enter your email address to sign in or to create an account.

We failed to authenticate your login, please refresh the page and try again.

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