Aisha learned at an early age about the hardship of immigration. Her father was a cultural mediator who worked with immigrants and migrant workers in and around Foggia - an area in southern Italy notorious for "capolarate": agriculture based on the exploitation of migrant workers.
She grew up surrounded by different languages, religions, traditions and costumes, whereby she developed an appreciation for diversity and an understanding of how different cultures can enrich societies.
In 2017 Aisha co-founded Mygrants, with a commitment to turning immigration into an opportunity for both immigrants and host communities.
Mygrants is an app that connects migrant workers with job opportunities and acts as a social network by mapping their talents, skills, interests, background, and potential. As the first multi-service digital platform specifically designed to provide migrant workers in that area with information on their rights and duties, professional training and career placement support, Mygrants helps people transition from a state of dependence to independence.