
Lenovo 電腦配件系列 & 電子產品
我們堅信能夠打造出世界上最好的電腦。但即使是最好的電腦,若搭配合適的 PC 配件,則有可能更臻完美。關鍵在於使用依您特定需求自訂的配件來裝備桌機或筆電。無論您是在尋找強大的喇叭系統,還是堅固耐用的筆電背包,我們都很自豪能提供可強化電腦體驗的 PC 配件。
PC 有哪些必備配件?由於沒有兩個人是完全相同的,因此我們開發了一系列的電腦配件和螢幕,提供幾乎無限的個人化選項。有了 USB 滑鼠、無線鍵盤、外接式儲存裝置和擴充基座等配件(在此僅舉幾例),您可以新增頂尖技術配件以大幅改善 PC 的功能和易用性。
今年,我們擴展了線上商店,提供大量來自知名品牌的第三方配件選擇,包括 Microsoft、Nest、Logitech 和 TP-Link。我們也很重視客戶隱私,並為此提供 Kensington 和 3M 等頂級品牌的安全性產品。無論您是購買智慧型裝置來保護居家安全,還是購買技術元件來升級您的 PC,我們都提供適合各種生活方式的第三方解決方案。
電競 PC 配件:如果您是遊戲玩家,您已經知道找到符合您遊戲風格的電競配件有多重要。這就是為什麼我們開發了 Lenovo Legion 的這些業界最佳 PC 電競配件。我們提供全背光電競鍵盤(例如 Lenovo 有線電競機械鍵盤)和一系列電競滑鼠,以便您稱霸戰場。
擴充基座:即使您不是遊戲玩家,合適的電腦配件也能為家中、辦公室、學校或出門在外帶來巨大改變。我們知道您經常隨身攜帶筆電移動。必須反覆插拔電源線、外接式磁碟機和螢幕纜線不僅很麻煩,而且會對 PC 造成不必要的磨損。將擴充基座(例如 ThinkPad Dock)加入您的裝備可消除這些問題,甚至可以大幅提升您筆電顯示卡的效能。
旅行袋與電源配件:選擇適合您 PC 的配件並非一定是新增更多硬體。對於出門在外的行動辦公者而言,有時需要找到一個旅行解決方案。我們致力於讓筆電更容易攜帶,並提供超過 30 種款式的背包和公事包供您選擇。無論您的筆電尺寸或旅行方式為何,都能時尚有型地隨身攜帶。如果您總是出門在外,請務必購買備用充電器和電池。
螢幕與顯示器:雖然大多數人不認為顯示器是電腦配件,但螢幕是運算體驗的關鍵元件,應根據您的特定需求進行選擇。無論您是在尋找平價的第二螢幕用於查看多個瀏覽器視窗,或具備 4K QHD 解析度的高級機型以用於向客戶展示色彩精確渲染,還是用於安裝顯示器的螢幕立架,我們都提供了充足的選項。
電腦音訊配件:對於音訊配件,沒有一體適用的解決方案,因為每個人都有不同的需求。正在尋找適合外出場合音質出色的耳機嗎?還是可讓您與朋友閒聊的電競耳機?購買 PC 音訊配件,清晰細緻地呈現大小不同的聲音音量。從最小型桌上型電腦喇叭到完善的音訊系統,我們擁有適合每種生活方式的音訊解決方案。
鍵盤與滑鼠:花許多時間在商務電腦或電競的人了解高品質鍵盤和滑鼠的重要性。如果在鍵盤上打字感覺不是很流暢,或者滑鼠沒有以最佳速度追蹤,可能會打亂您的整個節奏。幸運的是,我們提供各種全尺寸鍵盤、滑鼠、數字按鍵板、TrackPoint 套帽等。發現最能激發您潛能的鍵盤/滑鼠組合。
學生配件:如果您要上高中或大學,沒有什麼比得上新背包和學校用品。在 Lenovo,我們量身打造學生配件,以滿足年輕人的家庭作業需求。無論您是在市場上尋找筆電背包,還是高解析度螢幕,我們都能讓您簡單輕鬆地購買返校所需用品。對於提早完成作業的學生,我們甚至還藏了一些電競裝備,讓您在校園漫長的一天後放輕鬆。
讓最佳 PC 電腦更上一層樓的合適配件:Lenovo 電腦在打造時就是以成為最佳電腦為目標。讓合適的配件與您的 PC 相輔相成,使機器完全發揮在商務、電競或日常使用方面的潛能


Ship date: shipping times listed are estimates based on production time and product availability. An estimated ship date will be posted on our order status site after your order is placed. Ship dates do not include delivery times. Lenovo is not responsible for delays outside of our immediate control, including delays related to order processing, payment issues, inclement weather, or unexpected increase to demand. To obtain the latest information about the availability of a specific part number, please call 1300 557 073 to gain assistance.
Availability: Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice and may differ from that promoted or available from Lenovo resellers from time to time.
Order Quantity: The maximum number of systems for each Online order is 5 units. Please call 1300 557 073 for assistance to place large orders . If your order exceeds the quantity limit, Lenovo reserves the right to cancel the products ordered in excess of the quantity limit.
Trademarks: Lenovo, ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkStation and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, and Xeon Inside are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. www.intel.com/go/rating
General System Information: Review key information provided by Microsoft that may apply to your system purchase, including details on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and potential upgrades/downgrades. Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third-party products or services.
Warranty: For a copy of applicable warranties, visit Warranty Policies. To the extent permitted by law, Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third party products or services. The Lenovo Limited Warranty applies only to Lenovo hardware products purchased for your own use, and does not transfer upon resale.
Battery: Lenovo systems do not support batteries that are not genuine Lenovo-made or authorised. Use of such batteries will enable systems to continue to boot, but may not charge or work effectively. Lenovo has no responsibility for the performance or safety of unauthorised batteries, and provides no warranties or liability for failures or damage arising out of their use. Battery life (and recharge times) will vary based on many factors, including system settings and usage.
Pricing: Includes GST and shipping fees. Any savings referenced are based off regular Lenovo web prices.