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Best Gaming Desktop
Gaming is a serious business. It is a wonderful way to spend time, and for many people, it may turn into a valuable means of making connections that will last a lifetime. No matter how dedicated player you are, your abilities are somewhat dependent on the technology you have at your fingertips. Buying a top-of-the-line gaming system is always the best course of action. Keep in mind that you do not have to have the best features out there, but you should spend some time comparing the specs to find a gaming desktop that is going to prepare you for the very best experience possible.
Before diving into some factors to consider when purchasing gaming desktops, take a few minutes to check out what is available to you at Lenovo. We provide a diverse selection of alternatives to fit just about every need you may have, ranging from budget-friendly to the most cutting-edge processors and displays available today. Our inventory is always changing as well, which means that if you are looking for the next major release, there is a strong chance you will find it here, at the best possible price.
Set Your Budget as a Starting Point
There are so many fantastic products today and lots of high-end elements available that it can be overwhelming to know what to buy. The key is to set your budget first. That’s because it is easy to drive up the price of your gaming computer by adding additional features or the latest generation of components. With a budget in mind, you can keep your costs under control and find the best desktop computers for gaming for that amount.
A word of warning, though. You can find a fantastic but cheap gaming desktop out there. However, you do not want to buy the lowest entry-level model. Basic options will be limited in terms of what they can provide you in terms of overall functioning and visual quality, as well as the features that they can give you with. Several manufacturers provide a low-cost or entry-level model that may be adequate for individuals who are just getting started, are younger, or who are not playing some of the most intense games available today. But for the majority of gamers, that low-cost model will prove to be a disappointment as your skills improve. Remember that you can still find excellent models that are more reasonably priced – you are not required to buy the most expensive model available in the market
Recognize That You Have Lots of Options
A quick look at our gaming computers on Lenovo, and you are sure to become overwhelmed. There are lots of options, and there are a lot of specs listed. It is easy to find yourself trying to figure out which feature to buy or which brand of the processor is slightly better than the others. Do not get all caught up in all of the options. You could be spinning your wheels as many pre-built systems are going to be a solid buy.
What should you focus on then? Here are some of the factors that play the most important role when trying to find the best desktop gaming computer on the market.
Processors: This is the most important part of most gaming computers. It helps to control and manage all components you add to it. When it comes to gaming desktops, there are two main options: Intel and AMD. Either one is a fantastic and reliable option, and each one is consistently releasing new generations of processors every year or so. The end result? Choose a later generation processor from either of these companies, but be sure that you are buying one designed for gaming to get the best overall results.
RAM: You need enough power to get you through your game’s most challenging aspects. If you do not have enough RAM, the processor cannot function at its best. It is always important to purchase a high level to minimize the risk of frustrating or bad play. Most of the time, games require at least 16 GB of memory. However, it is often best to get more if it is within your budget to do so. That is going to improve your overall gaming experience significantly. RAM demands continue to increase with gaming, and that means you’ll need to have enough (or enough room to add more) to play well.
Storage: Storage is a factor some people do not pay enough attention to when it comes to gaming. The best gaming desktop pc cannot function well without enough storage. How much is enough? Up the storage for those playing high-end games that require a lot of functionality and intense graphics. It is likely that you will need at least 500 GB, though many people prefer to purchase at least 1 TB of storage instead. That is going to work for you long-term and provide a consistent level of access. Do not forget the SSD, as that is going to increase overall function for you as well.
Graphics: Many of today’s gaming processors have built-in graphics. For most people, that is going to be a good option. However, if you are looking for graphics that are next level, you may want to buy your own graphics card. This is easy to do when you are building your own gaming PC. However, many pre-built models give you some flexibility in terms of the graphics cards available. Remember, it does not matter how high-end your game is, if your graphics card cannot keep up with it, that is going to cost you gameplay.
Focus on a Monitor
The monitor is another area where you will want to put some money when buying good gaming desktops. The monitor needs to offer the features you need to play well. For those who may have a larger budget, buying a 4K gaming monitor may be the goal, and it should be when you want crisp, clear gaming and the very best in overall functionality. You also want to be sure you are buying an IPS panel, which is simply a better option over other monitor types when it comes to performance. Check out the refresh rate, too. The higher it is, the better. Look for a 144hz or higher when possible to get the best experience.
You can buy a monitor with confidence from Lenovo. We offer a wide selection of options in a range of sizes. Many gaming monitors are between 27 and 32 inches, though others can be much larger. For great PC desktop gaming, invest wisely in a computer monitor that is designed to handle the graphics with superior resolution and overall clear, authentic color. This does not impact your gameplay, but it sure makes the game more immersive. Also, don’t overlook the benefits of a curved monitor, too. That can create a three-dimensional effect.
Laptop or Desktop?
It is always important to determine what is best for you when it comes to a gaming laptop vs. a desktop. There is no right or wrong answer here, but rather the need to choose based on what is most important to your needs. A gaming laptop or desktop may be chosen based on factors such as:
Your budget: You will get more functionality and higher levels of performance for less money with a desktop than you will with a laptop. Laptops just tend to be more expensive when it comes to high-end gaming components.
Portability: If you want to be able to take your gaming skills with you to a friend’s home or play anywhere in your home, you probably need a laptop. The key here is to recognize that larger laptops tend to be beneficial because they provide more space to play.
How to Stay Within Budget
It is very easy to get outside of your budget when considering the top gaming desktops available. Yet, there are a few things to do to get an affordable gaming desktop now. For example, you will want to buy a model you can upgrade over time, adding RAM and storage to it as you go. You can also save money by purchasing a smaller screen size if that helps to accommodate your needs.
Let Lenovo Help You Find Just What You Need
Whether you are looking for the best budget gaming desktop in the market or want the top-of-the-line features every time, you will find just what you need here at Lenovo. We have done the hard work for you, finding all of the best features and specs for you from the top manufacturers in gaming systems. When you want to buy gaming desktop components or a pre-built system, you will find them here priced right.
Shop with Lenovo now. Compare several of the top gaming desktops on the market to find the one that is right for the gamer that you are from high end and experienced to a beginner. You are sure to find fantastic prices on all of our systems, too.