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Terms & Conditions
Exclusive Offer for Avega, Intellicare, Aventus Members
1. Promotion valid for all purchase made in PH Ecomm web store
2. Orders must be booked within promotion period using issued Coupon Code to avail the offered discount
Avega Members: Use Coupon Code AVEGAPH
Intellicare Members: Use Coupon Code INTELLIPH
Aventus Members: Use Coupon Code AVENTUSPH
3. Products listed below are the featured models with corresponding discount in this promo
4. The discount can be availed multiple times during the promo period.
5. The promo is not valid in conjunction with any ongoing promos of the partner.
6. In the event of dispute, Lenovo Philippines Inc.'s decision shall be final
7. Lenovo reserves the right to amend or cease the promotion at any time