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Deep Learning Workstations
If you’re looking for a deep learning workstation, you need a very specific type of computer. A machine learning workstation will need to be faster and have more processing power than your average computer setup. That’s because a deep learning desktop will be doing a lot of complex calculations and computations all the time. If you think you might need a deep learning PC, here’s what you need to know.
What Is a Machine Learning Desktop?
In order to understand what a deep learning computer is, you first need to understand what machine learning is.
This is a type of artificial intelligence, where computers “learn” by completing a series of complex calculations. These kinds of computers are almost constantly running complicated algorithms, and the more the computer “learns” the more complex everything becomes. Just like when you go from one grade to another in school.
A machine learning or deep learning computer is a computer that is built to many higher-than-normal specifications, so it can cope with all of those calculations. It needs to have higher processing power, more RAM, and higher spec chips. Since it will also be generating more heat thanks to all the calculations it will be doing, most deep learning workstations also need to have larger fans and better cooling systems.
Who Might Need a Deep Learning Workstation?
Most people who use their computers for work or leisure don’t need to purchase a deep learning workstation. These kinds of computers are more suited to being a data science workstation than being used for spreadsheets or even gaming.
However, if you do need a deep learning workstation, an ordinary computer or even a gaming PC won’t give you the kind of performance you need!
Deep learning PCs are often used by companies that collect and analyze data, as well as universities and research facilities. If you’re not already sure that you need this type of workstation, then you might not need to go to this extreme with the specifications for your next computer purchase.
Do You Need a Deep Learning Server?
Buying a machine learning computer is one thing, but if you’re looking for a deep learning server, you probably need even more features and power.
Usually, if you are looking for a deep learning server, it’s a good idea to speak to your IT or network specialist, to make sure you get a machine that meets all of the requirements for your system.
Servers are usually much larger and more complex than other computers on your network, and you might need to include different types of drives and other features for backups and security. So, this is not something you want to shop for without expert input!
Can You Buy a Deep Learning Laptop?
In theory, you could purchase a deep learning laptop. There are certainly high-end models available that have the power required for this type of computing.
The biggest drawback to choosing a deep learning laptop over a desktop workstation for deep learning is that laptops are much harder to upgrade later on. If you discover you need more memory or CPU power, you won’t have the option of changing them as you might with a desktop computer.
This means that deep learning laptops might become obsolete sooner than their desktop cousins.
That having been said, a deep learning laptop does have the advantage of portability. So, if you need to be able to travel with a computer that can run complex analyses, this is a great choice.
If you do want to buy a deep learning laptop, you should always choose the best deep learning laptop you can afford so that it will be usable and up to the task of processing your data for as long as possible.
How to Buy the Best Deep Learning Desktop
If you’re looking for a workstation for deep learning, you probably have some very important calculations to run. You’re probably in quite a rush to find the right computer and start crunching numbers.
However, when it comes to buying high-end tech like the best Linux computer for deep learning, or another type of deep learning computer, the last thing you want to do is rush.
Spend more time than you think you need researching specifications and options. Speak to your IT department and network specialists to find out what kind of power and storage capacity you need, and don’t forget about peripherals. Just because the computer will be doing all the complex calculations does not mean the computer shouldn’t be user-friendly when necessary. So, you will want to find the right monitors and other hardware to go with the computer itself.
These kinds of computers also don’t come cheap, and the best deep learning desktop will be a fairly large investment. You want to make sure that your budget is sufficient so that you can buy the very best option you can afford. This will help to ensure that your deep learning computer can keep up with the task at hand as long as possible.
Technology does change all the time though, and that’s especially true at the cutting edge of fields like artificial intelligence. So, you should always assume that you will need to replace this kind of high-end computer sooner than you might ordinary computers you use.
That doesn’t mean you’ll have to retire it entirely though. Machine learning computers that aren’t up to the task anymore are still completely capable of being regular desktop computers. Just make sure you always replace the hard drive or SSD before you pass it on. The last thing you need is unauthorized access to all your data!
Common Deep Learning Computer Questions
Often, when people are shopping for deep learning computers, there are many questions that need to be answered. One might be what is the best GPU for deep learning. The answer is that it depends.
A GPU is also known as a Graphics Processing Unit, and as you may have guessed from the name, it’s a part of the computer that is dedicated to processing images. If your data doesn’t contain a lot of images or graphics, then you probably won’t need the top-of-the-line GPU.
You might not need an NVIDIA graphics card for deep learning – and if you don’t, it might be easier with the current shortage of silicon chips. So, it’s a good idea to establish this before you start shopping.
However, what you should be asking is what type of CPU the computer has. A CPU or Central Processing Unit is one of the most important factors in determining how fast and powerful your computer is. You will want to have as much processing power as possible so that your computer can handle the volume of calculations you will be subjecting it to.
Another very important factor is the type and amount of RAM you have. You want to have at least 16GB of ram for any workstation for deep learning – but if you can have 32GB, that’s even better. This will allow your computer to do more calculations at the same time, and that will speed up the overall time processing your data will take.
Many people also ask what a deep learning computer should cost. That’s a very difficult question to answer because there are so many variables at play. The best idea is to make a list of what you want and need, and then ask companies that specialize in high-end computers to provide quotes on the same list of wants and must-haves. This will give you a good idea of what you can expect to spend, and what your options are.
What Else Should You Know Before Buying a Deep Learning Computer?
The field of deep learning itself is relatively new. We haven’t been using computers to analyze data, learn patterns and run complex artificial intelligence programs for very long.
This means that the technology in this field is changing very rapidly, and no one can say for sure that the computer you need today is the same one that you will need in a year. Technology doesn’t usually change that quickly, but again, this field is right at the leading edge of computing and technology, so anything is possible.
At the same time, however, you need to get the best possible deep learning computer you can afford today if you want to ensure that you can get the job done.
All of this means that you should only buy a deep learning computer if you actually need one. There are many other options for fast and powerful computers out there that will be more affordable and easier to get, so if you don’t absolutely need this kind of computing power, it’s not worth spending what it costs to buy the best machine learning computer.
Look for machines that come from reputable manufacturers and suppliers, and that comes with an extensive warranty. It’s not common for things to go wrong with this kind of computer, but it’s not unheard of. You always want to be able to get the help you need to repair or replace your computer or any defective parts as quickly as possible.
You might also want to invest in a small stock of spare parts for your machine learning computers. Your IT team should have some commonly needed and easy-to-replace parts in stock when things go wrong, so you don’t have to wait for delivery of parts or backorder if there happens to be a shortage of that particular item. Speak to the person who is helping you with the sale to find out what spare and replacement parts you can and should keep in stock.