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Stand out from the crowd with a colorful blue laptop
In a world of black and gray laptops, how can you set yourself apart? How can you show customers that you think outside the box? How can you express your inner self at school, or while gaming with friends? How can you make a statement the moment you walk into a room? A bright, blue laptop from Lenovo might be the answer.
Colored laptops are increasingly popular, and blue laptops are among the most attention-getting models on the market today. They’re a great way to express our individual personalities as we interact with family and friends each day. They’re even finding their way into the business world, where standing out from the crowd is no longer seen as a career killer but as a way to get ahead.
If a blue laptop is for you, Lenovo has a strong selection. In fact, that’s why we built this page. It displays every blue color laptop we’ve got in stock. Since they’re from Lenovo, these systems aren’t just pretty to look at. They’re top-quality, too.
Looking for another color? Lenovo offers white laptops, too, along with a full line of silver and gray IdeaPad models and, of course, our famous black ThinkPad laptop line.
Pretty and powerful: Lenovo blue color laptops
Blue laptops and Chromebooks from Lenovo are full-powered systems, not just low-end machines dressed up in a fancy frame. They go through the same quality checks as our other devices and come with all the reliable warranty protections you expect from Lenovo.
Long-lasting batteries. High-resolution displays. Solid state storage. The features that are most important to you are equally important to Lenovo. If you buy a blue color laptop from us, you get the same high quality components and manufacturing techniques we put into all of our laptops.
New to laptops in non-traditional colors? Not sure if a blue laptop will fit your work or lifestyle? Here are just a few reasons customers have cited for buying a colorful laptop:
Match your home or office décor: Let’s face it, a basic black laptop doesn’t always “fit” in today’s family rooms and open offices. A laptop that’s blue or some other color might look better.
Convey your personal or family vibe: The color of the laptop you carry, or that sits in the coffee table, can say a lot about how you think or view the world.
Create a corporate or team identity: Want your new business to stand out? What if your sales team all carried laptops in an unusual color? There’s a lot to be said for standing out from the crowd.
Lenovo builds laptops for everyone. Whether you want one of our famous black ThinkPad laptops, a gray or silver Yoga 2-in-1 or IdeaPad gaming rig, or a midnight blue Chromebook like those displayed on this page, you’re sure to find the right laptop – in the right color – for your needs.