A woman in hiking gear on a rocky hill next to a young student writing at a desk

Smarter tech opens up learning for everyone

Students are the future, but a host of challenges threaten that future. Some countries are short of millions of teachers; others battle opportunity gaps between students from under-represented minority populations and their non-minority peers. Lenovo is greeting these challenges with diverse solutions, from an e-learning platform to bring out the teacher in everyone to initiatives that improve literacy levels of students from underrepresented communities.

For millions of children each year, starting school is the first step along the journey toward becoming their future selves.


On the flip side, lack of education leads to an enormous waste of human potential. Improvements to education systems have the potential to add hundreds of trillions of dollars to the global economy over the coming generations, the OECD estimates.Source

But major challenges must be vanquished for that growth to occur. 59 million primary school-age children were not enrolled in school in 2018,Source most of them girls. This gap only widens with age and is especially severe for girls living in conflict-riven regious.Source Meanwhile, the ongoing pandemic has disrupted learning for over a billion studentsSource worldwide. And even before that crisis began, countries around the world faced a shortage of more than 68 million teachers, UNESCO estimated in 2016.Source


India, for instance, faces a one million teacher shortage, the local manifestation of this broader global crisis. It’s a multifaceted problem that calls for dynamic solutions. 

Around the world, Lenovo is working with inspired partners to solve these problems. With the help of technology, learning need not be constrained by geography. And people from all walks of life are being called on to help, united by their passion for advancing the cause of helping kids around the world learn. The inner teachers of such people across the globe are a powerful untapped resource. 

With that in mind, Lenovo and nonprofit eVidyaloka teamed up to launch SmarterEd, a student-teacher matching program that has already secured registrations from over 11,000 volunteer teachers. Nearly 15,000 students from across India have opted to learn for free via the Lenovo-designed one-on-one platform. The corps of volunteers includes people from a range of backgrounds. Some are graduate students in political science, applied psychology, and communication. Others are mechanical engineers, corporate workers, and pharmacists. Each now brings a unique combination of professional expertise and life experience to bear on enriching the lives and learning of students everywhere.


“Technology has the power to solve problems, create opportunities and transform the way we all live, learn, and work,” said Rahul Agarwal, CEO and Managing Director, Lenovo India. “With this platform, we want to empower all segments of the society with quality education.”


A girl looking intently at a tablet display as a woman looks on

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Close-up of a child's hands drawing a dinosaur or other animal on a tablet display

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A young man or teen-ager and an older man, smiling as they look at a monitor or display

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Students and teachers alike joined SmarterEd from a dazzling array of locations, showcasing the potential of this kind of learning-without-borders technology. Volunteer teachers hailed from 654 cities, and students signed up from 571 cities. Students can learn in a range of supported languages, from Hindi to Malayalam, Tamil to Kannada, Telugu to English. They can choose their desired subjects and schedule learning around the other demands of their lives.


Across India’s diverse regions, organizations like Meghshala and Children’s LoveCastles Trust have developed specialized plans to empower teachers and keep children learning through the pandemic, with support from the Lenovo Foundation. These organizations are actively seeking ways to improve education across India by using Lenovo’s smarter technology to digitize education.

Two men working on laptops in a computer server room

In other countries around the world, Lenovo Foundation grants are supporting other creative solutions to the problem of global education access, harnessing technology as a force for equality. This has the potential to be especially life-changing for teachers and girl students. 

Students and teachers alike joined SmarterEd, showcasing the potential of this kind of learning-without-borders technology.

In Australia and New Zealand, Lenovo’s smarter technology is helping to bridge the opportunity gap for children from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent through the Indigenous Reading Project (IRP). Lenovo’s tablets power IRP’s 12-week E-reading program, which fosters a lifelong appreciation for reading for Indigenous students ages 8 to 16 with strong attendance records and a personal commitment to improvement.

In 2019, “168 out of 184 students successfully completed [IRP’s] E-reading program and checked out 2,916 e-books from the digital library,” according to the Indigenous Reading Project. 


The students’ impressive progress comes through in the numbers: According to the project, students increased the amount of time they spent reading by 62 percent, boosted fluency test scores by 23 percent, and raised comprehension scores by an amazing 30 percent. 


“Lenovo’s investment in IRP’s mission to improve the literacy of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students is one way Lenovo is “bringing to life the Lenovo Foundation’s mission of empowering diverse and minority communities through access to technology and STEM education, alongside Lenovo’s mission of  Smarter Technology For All,” said Matt Codrington, Lenovo ANZ.