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Laptops for School
It is more common than ever before for students to need to have a laptop available to them. Laptops are extremely useful and powerful tools for students. They provide resources for research, streamline communications, and provide far more interactive levels of content that can be completed in a typical classroom. They spur questions, help teach students how to get information, allow students to inexpensively improve their education, and provide a good set of skills that students can use for years to come. How do you choose good laptops for school, then? Let’s help you choose the best laptop for school.
There are definitely a lot of factors to think about when it comes to shopping for a laptop for school The following are some considerations to keep in mind as you begin your search for the perfect choice.
Determine the Needs of the Student First
There is a great deal of difference between what a grade school student needs in a laptop and what may be a good option for a high school student. The older the student is, the more computing and research they need to do, typically. Younger students certainly need more durability built into their laptops, but they also benefit from a more streamlined and simplistic design.
The other factor to consider as you look for a laptop for school is the type of coursework the student may be completing. For example, students may spend more time in specialized software programs at higher grade levels. They may need to have access to a higher functioning processor or more RAM to help them get the most out of the applications they use. If possible, the student should consult with his or her teachers to determine whether or not they have any recommendations for a laptop, taking into consideration factors such as size, storage space, and overall functionality.
The Specs You May Wish to Consider
Laptop for school kids needs to fit the specific needs they have, but there are often lots of options within that area to consider. First, start by considering the weight and size of the laptop. This is important for all students. Even in high school, a large laptop is going to be difficult to carry and manage. That means it is more likely to be broken, and that is no fault of the child. Look for one that is more mid-range for older kids in terms of size and smaller for younger children. Again, speak to the teacher about their recommendations before buying a very large or small model.
Size plays a role in this, but so does weight. Some smaller laptops are quite heavy because of the batteries and features they have within them. That, too, keeps things difficult for students. You definitely want to focus on what is best for your student here rather than just buying a big laptop.
Processing and Storage
It is also important to think about the functionality of the system. For older children, more storage and a better processor tend to be necessary to enable students to do more. That may include ensuring students can work efficiently and move through screens easily. Most often, the best laptop for school is going to have mid-range or better RAM, storage, and processing power.
Ports and Webcam
As you look for options to consider for the best laptop for an online school, focus on connectivity. More so than ever before, it is critical for students to have access to a webcam so they can log in and communicate in the classroom. If your student is studying from home or could be at some point in the future, you certainly want to ensure a webcam is available.
Having more than a few options is important when it comes to ports. They may need to plug in a headphone set or a mic at some point. Some students need improved screens, especially if they are working from home. That may require the use of a port for an external monitor.
What About Gaming?
One of the things many of today's parents are also having to do is balance a child's educational needs with their gaming goals. The best laptop for gaming and school has to meld these two areas together. That can be challenging, especially for parents who may be looking to stay within a specific budget.
Good laptops for gaming and school, especially for older kids, need to balance a few things. First, they need a good processor that can handle the gameplay. They also need a reliable display, a good graphics card, and ample sound quality. Many students will also benefit from a laptop that offers a lot of RAM and storage, as this can help to improve gameplay for students.
When trying to determine laptops for gaming and school, it can be hard to find a good balance, especially if you are looking for a budget-friendly option, a lightweight laptop, and a smaller model. What you invest in really depends on the amount of gaming the student does and the budget you set. Most often, a good gaming laptop is going to do just well for most types of educational content as well. For that reason, focus on getting the gaming features you need and want to spend money on, and the laptop's basic features will meet most school needs.
Also, considering a good laptop for gaming and school can be a bit more expensive than most others. If you want to keep the laptop costs down, especially if your student will be taking that laptop with them from place to place frequently, you will want to consider the benefits of buying a desktop for gaming instead. One benefit of this is that it is less portable, which means gaming happens at home. Second, it means that you will spend significantly less on gaming features but at the same time get top-of-the-line elements. There are a lot of features available for advanced gaming that are more accessible on a gaming desktop than on a laptop.
What Is Best for High Schoolers?
The best laptops for high school students should offer a few key things:
Look for a laptop with good battery life. They are on the go and need to be able to count on their battery for 7 to 8 hours a day.
Seek out a solid processor that offers ample functionality to allow them to use software, browse the internet, watch movies, and even handle photo and video editing if they like.
Keep the weight and size mid-range when possible. Most students do well with a 15-inch laptop. That is a good balance of both weight and display size.
Buy a quality display, especially if they spend a lot of time using their laptops. Look for a higher resolution to provide better overall quality.
Storage space can be important, especially if your child will also use this laptop for their college education. You may want to invest in an external hard drive to keep costs low and provide them with far more storage to meet their needs.
Also, think about how expandable the laptop is. High school students should be able to take care of their devices. As a result, they should be able to maintain it long-term. When you buy a laptop that incorporates a wide range of expandable features, such as room for more RAM, you are going to give them the ability to add on later as they need and want to do so.
How to Get the Best Price on a School Laptop
One of the key factors that many students focus on is their need for an affordable laptop for school. The best laptop for school can be affordable. The key is knowing what to buy and not overdoing it when you consider all of those options.
Most kids do not need high-end features. They may not need the best resolution or the fasted processor, even if they are using their laptop for gaming needs. Buy what they need, and chances are good you will save money. This is very important for younger children who may outgrow their laptop in a few years and need a new one. They are also more likely to drop the laptop leading to the need for repairs.
If you are unsure what type of laptop is best for your student, speak to the teacher. Find out what specific types of features and applications are going to be necessary. You may find that the high-end features are unimportant, and they certainly will not provide your student with better grades.
The good news is you can find everything you need from a basic laptop with limited features to a high-end laptop perfect for use with both gaming and educational content. Check out our range of features and upgrade options, too.
Count on Lenovo to offer the best prices on the laptop your student needs for school. Browse our large inventory of options to determine what you can expect from today's laptops.