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您正在尋找 11 吋筆記型電腦嗎?為了幫助您做出決定,我們收集了一些有關配備 11 吋顯示器的筆記型電腦的常見問題和解答。繼續閱讀。
Small screens, big savings: 11-inch laptops for work, home and school
Laptops come in all sizes, each with distinct advantages for different user needs. At the smallest and lightest end of the scale are today's 11-inch laptops, whose displays typically measure 11.6 inches diagonally. They're easy to carry and can be used almost anywhere.
Don't confuse "small" with low-powered or low-functioning, however. Today, you can buy an 11-inch laptop with nearly every feature you'll find in a full-size model: advanced operating systems (OS), high-resolution displays, extra-long battery life, and more. There are even 11-inch 2-in-1s that you can switch between laptop and tablet modes.
Advantages of a small laptop
Many experts consider 11-inchers to be the smallest "true" laptops. Anything smaller might be just a "netbook" built just for web surfing and watching movies. Still, whether you call it a mini laptop, a micro laptop or an ultraportable, there's a lot to like in an 11-inch laptop:
· Price savings: It's not unusual to find 11-inch laptops for HK$ 4,000 or less (more for advanced models).
· Portability: Laptops are often called "notebooks," but these ultraportables are truly "notebook"-size.
· Versatility: With operating systems from Microsoft and Google, small-screen laptops can be used for work or play.
· Battery life: With a small display that draws less power, extended unplugged times are common in 11-inch laptops.
Buying an 11-inch laptop involves compromises. Compared to bigger systems, a mini laptop's compact frame usually means you'll get a smaller keyboard and comparatively slower processor (faster chips run hotter, making them ill-suited for the tiniest PCs). Yet while one user might feel limited by these factors, another might call them acceptable trade-offs for a system that truly fits on a crowded conference table or confined dorm room desk.
Wide range of Lenovo 11-inch laptop models
Lenovo's 11-inch laptops come equipped with either Microsoft Windows 10 or Google's Chrome OS. Some buyers prefer the Windows 10 models so they can run all their favorite software programs, as on any PC. Others prefer Chrome OS-powered Chromebooks for their extreme light weight and reliance on the cloud rather than big internal storage drives.
Whatever OS you choose, you'll find 11-inch laptop models in many of Lenovo's most popular PC brands (availability may vary by country and what's currently in stock):
· ThinkPad: The most famous name in laptop technology includes a compact, 11-inch model, too.
· Yoga: Our laptop-tablet 2-in-1s combine small size with ultimate flexibility and usability.
· Chromebooks: We carry a wide range of Chromebooks purpose-built for lightweight portability.
· Lenovo 300 series: These compact student/education laptops are perfect for the classroom.
Ready to shop for a new compact laptop?
We’ve made it easy, with this entire page dedicated to Lenovo's 11-inch systems.
For many consumers, the decision will come down to screen size and price. Is a super low price-point your top priority? Will an 11-inch display provide the visual landscape you need for office work (word processing, spreadsheets) or leisure activities (watching movies, social media)? There's no single "correct" answer. The choice depends entirely on what you need from your new laptop.