聯想智能顯示器將智能揚聲器的廣泛用途與大型,明亮的視覺效果結合在一起,從而實現更快,更高效的用戶交互形式。聯想智能顯示屏於2018年中推出,是首款由Google Assistant虛擬助手支持的配備屏幕的智能顯示屏。它最初與Amazon Echo Show及其Alexa虛擬助手競爭,此後其他公司首次推出了其他由Google Assistant支持的模型。
聯想Smart Display通過引入更多類似於裝飾性配件而不是計算設備的設計元素,改變了智能顯示器市場,一些分析人士稱,這種外觀限制了早期型號的公眾使用。朝著更具視覺吸引力的設計邁進,已被描述為邁向將新一代語音激活信息/自動化工具集成到日常家庭和辦公室環境中的一大步。
智能顯示器背後的理論很簡單:如果僅聽取諸如Google Home或Amazon Echo之類的智能揚聲器的反饋是如此有用,那麼看到結果會更好嗎?更快嗎?無論是在網上搜索網頁,查看流量還是從播放列表中選擇歌曲,大多數用戶都覺得從視覺上吸收信息要比等待信息更容易。同樣,通過細化初始搜索結果列表或與備選旅行路線圖進行交互,您可以輕鬆地說“檢查18號公路”或“跳至列表中的第4個項目”。
聯想Smart Display首次亮相時,與其他智能顯示器相比,具有與現有智能揚聲器相比的一些優勢以及一些關鍵區別。
聯想Smart Display與智能揚聲器:
*與不使用Google Assistant的智能顯示器進行比較。聯想Smart Display首次亮相時,是唯一使用Google Assistant的設備。
是什麼讓Lenovo Smart Display與眾不同?
聯想Smart Display不僅將強大的Google Assistant虛擬代理引入了智能顯示市場,而且還因其獨特的尺寸和外觀而受到關注。聯想智能顯示器經過精心設計,可以適應現代家庭房間,廚房甚至辦公室,而以前的方式則更“四四方方”。
- 顯示:8英寸高清或10英寸全高清觸摸屏(在設備旁邊時很有用)
- 外觀:竹或灰色皮革適合大多數家庭或辦公室裝飾
- 適應性:雙重站立姿勢(橫向或縱向)可使其適合任何地方
- 隱私權:物理快門可遮擋攝像頭,並具有可見的麥克風靜音切換設置
- 聲音:帶兩個高音揚聲器的全頻揚聲器和多房間音頻支持
The product/accessories photo is for reference only
Above machine specification information is for reference only and it refers to the highest configuration which the machine is compatible with, yet some specific configuration or related accessories may not available in Hong Kong due to reasons includes but not limited to hardware supply limitation, country (local market) regulation and so on. Please refer to the specific model description for configuration detail before you place order.
Actual battery life may vary depending on application usage, settings, features or tasks selected, network configuration, operating temperature and many other factors.
Limits: Lenovo reserves the right to limit the number of units to a particular product that a customer may buy at any one time.
Availability: Offers, prices, specifications and availability may change without notice. Lenovo is not responsible for photographic or typographic errors.
General System Information: Review key information provided by Microsoft that may apply to your system purchase, including details on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and potential upgrades/downgrades. Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third-party products or services.
Pricing: Does not include shipping and handling fees. Reseller prices may vary. Savings referenced off regular Lenovo web prices.
Warranty Service: The Service delivery will be determined by the destination country/region subject to Service capabilities and parts availability in the destination country/region.
Lenovo makes no representation or warranty regarding third party products or services. The Lenovo Limited Warranty applies only to Lenovo hardware products purchased for your own use, and does not transfer upon resale.
Trademarks: Lenovo, ThinkPad, ThinkCentre and the Lenovo logo are trademarks of Lenovo. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, Xeon Inside and Intel Optane are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
An estimated ship date will be posted on our order status site after your order is placed. The date reflected above does not determine when your order will ship since inventory status may change before your order is final and because items may be held until all products on the order are ready to ship. To obtain the latest information about the availability of a specific part number, please call the phone number listed in the masthead at the top of this page. A flat charge for shipping & handling may apply for certain orders, as indicated on the Checkout page.