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Value. New subscribers only. $10.99/month after 4 months free trial
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Remember to bring your photo ID when you pick up your order.
Regarding your pickup
We'll notify you when your order is ready, you'll have 6 days to pick it up.
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Amount To Be Charged:
PO Number for PC and Accessory Purchases
PO Date
Cardholder Name:
Credit Card:
Card 1 Details
Card 2 Details
PO Number ISG
Regarding your pickup:
We’ll notify you when your order is ready, you’ll have 6 days to pick it up.
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The company collects the following personal information to provide ordering and payment services through this website.
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Please select either Sign In (Existing customers) or Enroll Now (New customers) below. New customers will be redirected to InvoiceMe/TreviPay to complete their application. Existing customers will be able to sign in while remaining on
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International Bank Account Number
BIC Code
German BIC Codes always 8 or 11 digits
German IBAN are always 22 digits
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alternative Name for PC/Notebook
Special Delivery Instructions
Cloud Invoice
Citizen Certificate
Mobile Code
Paper Invoice
Company Uniform Number
Donation Code
Donation Invoice
selected upgrade
Reseller ID
Activation Required
his is an insurance product that will repair or replace your Lenovo product in the event of accidental damage,subject to certain exclusions.Further information can be found
English - Total (ex. GST):
English - Pickup Information
Shipping and Delivery
Lenovo eShop uses local courier as its standard carrier for all last mile deliveries. It may take an extra 2 – 3 business days for our courier to deliver your order to you after it has arrived our Hong Kong warehouse.
We appreciate your kind understanding that the delivery of monitors and accessories may come separately
Payment Options
Lenovo offers a variety of payment options for purchases made on Lenovo eShop, including VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Direct Deposit
For credit card orders
A HKD1 pre-authorization will be requested on your credit card for security verification, it will be cancelled and returned to your credit card immediately.
We will authorize the order total amount on your credit card, this authorization will be expired in 7-15 days and we will re-authorize after the expiry. The first authorized credit will be returned to your credit card.
For full payment order, Lenovo will charge you officially ONLY when your product has been shipped. If your order contained two or more items, payment may be charged separately.
For installment order,please click here for your information.
For wire transfer orders
We can only process your order after we receive your bank transfer payment. Please send your bank receipt to with your order number (429XXXXXXX) after bank transfer is completed.
For Direct Deposit orders
Please send your bank receipt to with your order number (429XXXXXXX) after payment has been deposited to our bank account
Please deposit the amount to:
Account name: Lenovo (Hong Kong) Ltd
Bank name: Citibank N.A.HK
Bank Code: 006
Beneficiary Account No: 3906-the last 5 digits of your order number^
^if your order no. is 4600012345, you will deposit to account no. 3906-12345
Lenovo eShop Exchange Procedure:
All Lenovo computer products purchased are non-exchangeable and non-refundable. (Please refer to the Return/Exchange Policy.)
All Lenovo computer products purchased are entitled to a 7-day free exchange service for defective products. If you wish to apply for an exchange, please follow the steps below:
Contact the Lenovo customer service representative within 7 days of receipt to arrange for an on-site inspection service or an inspection at the store depending on the product and situation.
After-sales service hotline: 25930388 press 2 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm)
After-sales service email:
Based on the inspection results, if the product fails to meet the factory requirements, Lenovo will proceed with the exchange procedure.
All exchanges and inspections can only be arranged through contacting the Lenovo customer service. Stores cannot arrange for related inspections and replacements.
The product must be in its original packaging and accompanied by all accessories and manuals. If the product is missing any accessories or damaged, Lenovo reserves the right to refuse the exchange.
The exchanged product must be the same as the original product. Only in the case of original product shortage can a different product be exchanged with the need to pay the price difference.
View Important Order & Legal Information
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Phone Sales Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8AM-9PM EST
Sat - Sun: 11AM-8PM EST
Chat Sales Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8AM-9PM EST
Sat - Sun: 11AM-8PM EST
Working Hours
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Up to {0}% of product subtotal (exc. GST) can be paid with Rewards and minimum Product price (exc. GST) should be SG$1 per item
Select Large Shipment Option
Estimated delivery date is affected by the higher quantity chosen for this item
Lift Gate (also called Tale Gate) is used for Large shipments with Pallet, Skids or Crates that can’t be unloaded by hand. A Tail Gate Truck will be needed if loading Dock or Forklift is not available to unload pallets.
LTL Carrier will remove pallets, the perfect solution for your company’s unwanted pallets that’s piling up in your business.
When LTL freight is delivered to a business, inside delivery means that the carrier will bring the shipment just inside the doors of the business. It is typically left just inside the main entrance.
Leasing payment can not use with the total order value exceeds maximum or lower than the minimum.
Please fill in the fields correctly and try again.
en-Large Shipment Options
en-No large shipment option choosed, you can go back to shipping page to choose one or more if you want
If you are performing a price override, please make sure to click "save quote" in order to continue the checkout process.
Sorry, something wrong to get the user's wallet. please manually input your credit card number.
Certain areas do not have delivery coverage. Verify that your district is on the list and the estimated delivery times. See delivery areas
Ver zonas de entrega
Para ver las opciones de *cuotas sin interés primero debes ingresar los datos de tu tarjeta y tu DNI o iniciar sesión con tu cuenta de MercadoPago.
No se realizará ningún cobro hasta no hacer click el botón de PAGAR.
Debido al alto ticket, y para evitar un posible rechazo en el pago, te sugerimos ingresar el pago con la cuenta de Mercado Pago del titular de la tarjeta y no como invitado.
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please finish the payment process in 20 minutes ,otherwise will cause the order process failed .
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If you are a sez customer, please call into our Telesales team at {contact} to place your order
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Our system shows that the email you have entered requires an additional TCS charge as per the Government directive. Please input GSTN to calculate the taxes accurately.
Call 1-234-567-8901
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Note: Shipping address does not match billing address.
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Why is Standard Delivery faster than other delivery methods?
Why is Standard Delivery faster than other delivery methods?
If you live near one of our distribution centers you may get your package evenfaster with Standard Delivery. However, if you need a guaranteed deliverydate please select either Next Business Day Delivery or Expedited Delivery.
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Values must match.
Please enter a valid address within 35 alpha-numeric characters.
Please enter a valid address, note that deliveries to a PO box are not possible.
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Fields marked with * are required.
Please enter your "Company Name" below the postcode field if this is under business purchase. Once you cart out, entered information cannot be revised anymore due to system limitation.
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Once the order is booked, all order information entered is final and will reflect on the invoice.
Start typing your address, then select from suggestions
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Address line 1 (Flat or floor number, building name)
Address 1
Note: P.O Boxes will not be accepted
Ship to an APO
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Floor, unit #
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Delivery available to selected country only.
If this is a business purchase, please enter your Company Name here.
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Contact Information
We’d love to keep in touch. We’ll send you communications on our products, services and exclusive offers should you be interested. You can ask us to stop at any time. Read Lenovo Global Privacy Statement for more information.
However, if you do not want to hear from the Lenovo Group of Companies, please check the box.
I do not wish to receive communications from Lenovo Group of Companies.
Phone (+852/853)
You may be contacted to facilitate your delivery.
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La información ingresada será tratada de acuerdo a nuestra Política de Privacidad.
Please enter the same email in both fields.
Conforme a las disposiciones fiscales para la emisión de facturas en la nueva versión 4.0, TODA INFORMACIÓN que ingreses, debe coincidir EXACTAMENTE con tu constancia de situación fiscal. De lo contrario no podremos facturarte
NO incluir el régimen capital (”SA”; “SC”; “SA DE CV”; etc.) en el campo "Razón social"
I require a fiscal bill
Customer Type
Carnet de extranjeria
Other kind of document
Document Type
Values must match.
Select your Tax Regime
Select your CFDI
Confirm Company Tax Number
Company (Exempt) (Com. Inscr. Est.)
Company (Com. Inscr. Est.)
According to the latest tax regulations for invoicing (version 4.0), ALL INFORMATION you provide must match EXACTLY with your official tax status document. Otherwise, we will not be able to issue an invoice.
Please DO NOT include legal entity types (e.g., "Inc.", "LLC", etc.) in the 'Company Name' field.
On the 'Company Name' field, please select 'Persona Física' for purchases on behalf of an individual or 'Persona Moral' for purchases on behalf of a company.
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Here is the recommended shipping address we have found based on what you have entered.
We failed to find a shipping address that matches what you entered.
Input address couldn't be validated. Please edit it or try different address.
We couldn’t verify the exact address you entered, but did find a close match. Please make sure your mailing address is correct to ensure accurate delivery.
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Microsoft subscription orders not supported in this region. Please select another state or remove Microsoft products from cart to continue.
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The items in your Cart will be saved in a Quote that can be sent for approval to other members within your organization.
The products and the pricing of your Quotes will be freezed for a certain period of time – normally, 30 days. Quotes will be private to you and the Quote reviewers within your organization. Once your Quotes have been approved, not only will you be notified about it via email, but you will also be able to convert them into an order.
The items in your Cart will be saved together to your account and you can retrieve them later for a purchase.
You can save your cart as Private to yourself or you can share it with other members of your organization as a Public Cart. Your colleagues will be able to retrieve Public Carts from their accounts to make a purchase. The items and pricing in your Saved Cart are subject to change without notice based on product availability and contract validity.
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Split the quantity of products to ship todifferent locations, and/or request foralternate arrival dates.
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Request Arrival Date
Request arrival date allows you to request different arrival dates for each item in the shopping cart. Arrival date is not guaranteed. Formerly know as CRAD.
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Incorrect quantity entered.
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The selected shipping address will be applied to all the products in the cart. This might cause some groups to restart to it's original state. Would you like to continue?
This will reset the Shipping configuration for ALL products. Would you like to continue?
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Identity number is not in the correct format.
Tax identification number is not in the correct format.
SST registration number is not in the correct format.
Passport number is not in the correct format.
Registered number is not in the correct format.
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