cart count
Sales Number

Our standard order delivery date is 4-9 days after Lenovo ships your product. We are aware of carrier delivery delays due to COVID-19. Delivery date information is updated from carriers as it becomes available.

Leasing payment can not use with the total order value exceeds maximum or lower than the minimum.

1 ! Shipping & Delivery Get Your Order Pickup Information

Dear customer,Currently the region you choose can not support Next business day delivery, please change to other shipping method ,Thanks !

Your Store Location Is:
Change Order to Delivery

Choose Delivery Method

Certain areas do not have delivery coverage. Verify that your district is on the list and the estimated delivery times. See delivery areas Ver zonas de entrega

Regular Shipping
Items may be shipped separately
One-Batch Shipping
All items will be shipped together
Customized Shipping
Multiple addresses, Request by Date

Select a Shipping Address

Need a VAT invoice?
Please enter a valid fiscal code
ONLY Capital letters or numbers are allowed.
Is this for Business or Personal use?
Shipping Address
Need a VAT invoice?
Please enter a valid fiscal code
ONLY Capital letters or numbers are allowed.
Choose Delivery Method
Choose Delivery Options (0Items)
Reset All
How many do you want to split into a separate shipment?
Part Number: :
Incorrect quantity entered.
This will reset the Shipping configuration for ALL products. Would you like to continue?
The selected shipping address will be applied to all the products in the cart. This might cause some groups to restart to it's original state. Would you like to continue?
Select/Edit Shipping Address
Tax Calculation
2 ! Payment
Choosing between “Personal” and “Business” purpose allows us to share the appropriate invoice options for your order.
E-Invoice Information

Fields marked with * are required.
Please enter your "Company Name" below the postcode field if this is under business purchase. Once you cart out, entered information cannot be revised anymore due to system limitation.

Are you a Malaysian citizen?
Foreign registered companies, please key in 12 zeros. Example: 701003086551 (12 numerals).
Example: TF12345678901 (Max 2 alphabetical followed by 9-11 numerals).
Example: A12-1234-12345678. Please leave blank if not available.
To split your payment, both cards must share the same billing address.
Billing Address
Billing address is the same as shipping address
VAT Number
Company Name
Billing Address


Note: Name should be typed exactly as it appears on card Note: Name should be typed exactly as it appears on card
Selecciona a continuación si a los efectos de Ingresos Brutos eres Contribuyente Local, o de Convenio Multilateral con ingresos en más de una provincia.
Si para alguna de las siguientes provincias estás bajo Convenio Multilateral, por favor ingresa el coeficiente asignado según el formulario CM05.
Con el fin de evitar errores de facturación, recuerde informar los coeficientes que apliquen a la compra, aun cuando sean 0,0000.
Please indicate below the taxpayer profile (Ingresos Brutos - IIBB) of the company: Local or Multilateral Agreement. Please select Multilateral Agreement (Convenio Multilateral) for incomes in more than one province where applicable.
If the company is under the Multilateral Agreement for any of the following provinces, please enter the assigned coefficient from the CM05 form.
If the company is registered in Corrientes or if the order is being shipped to that province, you will need to pay the applicable tax, which will be communicated in a separate email from your order confirmation.
Need a GSTN invoice?
Optional Content Header
Random-access memory (RAM) or simply “memory” is what allows your laptop to multitask. More RAM means more applications can be running simultaneously without slowdowns.

In order to claim GST credit, shipping address should be in the same state as billing GSTN is registered.

Are you a Sez customer?
Optional Content header
Random Access Memory (RAM) or simply "Memory" is what allows your laptop
Need a VAT invoice?
Optional Content Header
Random-access memory (RAM) or simply “memory” is what allows your laptop to multitask. More RAM means more applications can be running simultaneously without slowdowns.
This is a business address
This is a Foreign Persion
A non-resident person willneed to input Local VAT ID as the Fiscal Code

Your GST Number and Company will be verified during the payment step. If your annual spend has exceeded ₹5000,000 you may be assessed TCS Tax.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam

errIcon successIcon Verified!
Please enter a valid fiscal code
ONLY Capital letters or numbers are allowed.
Please enter a valid Tax ID
Tax branch numbers format error!
Select Payment Method
Rewards Applied ($0)

Rewards Available: $0 ( )
Maximum Rewards Available: Up to {0}% of product subtotal (exc. GST) can be paid with Rewards and minimum Product price (exc. GST) should be SG$1 per item

To pay with Purchase Order, Please call 25390388 to speak to a dedicated small business representative.

Software Subscription Information: Your credit card will be saved to Your Account for your software subscription purchases and you will be the administrator for all Software Subscription purchases for your Company. This credit card will be saved in your Account Wallet and used for all of your future SaaS regular billings and additional software purchases on Call 2593 0388 for questions or assistance.

Amazon Music Unlimited Free Trial

This credit card will be saved in your Lenovo Account and will be used for all of your future software billings and additional software purchases on Call 866-426-0911 for questions or assistance. This is a subscription that will automatically renew based on the subscription term. Any change in renewal price will be communicated via email at least 15 days in advance.

Separate T&C Acceptance For Japan
For verification purposes, we will temporarily authorize your credit card(s) for up to $1.00. Your card(s) will not be charged.
Invoice Information
Cloud Invoice
Paper Invoice
Donation Invoice
Select Invoice Option
Citizen Certificate
Mobile Code
Please confirm that the input value should be 2 capital letters + 14 digits, a total of 16 digits. Ex. AB12345678901234
Please confirm that the input value starts with “/“ 7 code numbers, letters, or “.”, “”, “-“, 8 digit in total. Ex. /AB12345
Personal Invoice
Company Invoice
Please input valid company name
Please confirm that the input value is 8 digits. Ex. 12345678
You can fill in the donation code (3-10 digits) of other known social welfare groups by yourself. Default donor: Foundation for Rare Diseases (9527) You can fill in the donation code (3-10 digits) of other known social welfare groups by yourself. Default donor: Foundation for Rare Diseases (9527)
Note: Please enter your PO number. Limit to 35 digits. Note: Please enter your PO number. Limit to 35 digits.
Please enter your Purchase Order details below. If you need assistance, please call please call 25390388 to speak to a dedicated small business representative.

Purchase Order Information:

Note: Please enter your PO number. Limit to 35 digits. Note: Please enter your PO number. Limit to 35 digits.
Numerical number and length as 20, 4 decimal points. Numerical number and length as 20, 4 decimal points.
check icon
paypal icon
Credit Card Required: A saved credit card is necessary for your software subscription purchase(s):
• Amazon Music Unlimited Free Trial Remove from Cart
For verification purposes, we will temporarily authorize your credit card(s) for up to $1.00. Your card(s) will not be charged.
This is your credit card billing address and will not affect your PayPal billing address (above).
Billing Name:
Billing Address:
Use Different Billing Address
Use My Shipping Address for Billing
Note: Name should be typed exactly as it appears on card Note: Name should be typed exactly as it appears on card
Clear Card Details
Choose a Saved Credit Card

Card Details:

Cardholder Name*
Card Number*
Security Code *
Billing Address
checkout Recaptcha Lock
We are sorry, the credit card number entered is not valid. Lenovo takes security seriously and we want to make sure all credit card attempts are legitimate for your protection. By simply completing the reCAPTCHA below, we can verify that this is an honest attempt to use the credit card details that you will enter in the next step.
If you would prefer to place your order by phone, please feel free to call 1-855-253-6686 Option #2 to speak with one of our friendly telesales agents.

Deactivating your family hub will permanently revoke access to all family order history and Family Hub features

German BIC Codes always 8 or 11 digits German BIC Codes always 8 or 11 digits
German IBAN are always 22 digits German IBAN are always 22 digits
Important Note
Special Delivery Instructions

Card 1 of 2 Details:

Card 2 of 2 Details:

Amount to charge to this card* Please enter an amount to pay for the first credit card
checkout Recaptcha Lock
We are sorry, the credit card number entered is not valid. Lenovo takes security seriously and we want to make sure all credit card attempts are legitimate for your protection. By simply completing the reCAPTCHA below, we can verify that this is an honest attempt to use the credit card details that you will enter in the next step.
If you would prefer to place your order by phone, please feel free to call 1-855-253-6686 Option #2 to speak with one of our friendly telesales agents.
Paypal Loading...

Upon clicking continue, you will be redirected to the Lenovo Financing application to complete your payment. After your payment has been processed, you will return to to see your completed order.

Buy Now, Pay Later Business Financing
Quick and Easy Application Enter a few details to apply for an immediate, personalized financing offer!

1. Select Lenovo Financing & click Continue

2. Answer a few basic questions

3. Get an Instant Decision
Credit Limit:
Credit Balance:
Credit Preauthorised:

Lease To Own

Katapult has lease-purchase plans designed just for you. There's no credit required.

To begin the Katapult application, click CONTINUE to review your order. When you click PLACE YOUR ORDER, the Katapult application will launch. Once you complete the application process, your order will be placed.

Please note: Your billing & shipping addresses MUST match. If you abandon the Katapult application process, your order will NOT be placed.

Use INTERAC e-Transfer® for a fast, easy, and secure way to pay directly through your bank’s app for purchases up to $10,000.
Continue To Review
Tax Calculation
Choose Billing Address
If you want your Billing Address to match your Shipping Address, click on “Yes.” If not, click on “Cancel”
3 ! Review
Para ver las opciones de *cuotas sin interés primero debes ingresar los datos de tu tarjeta y tu DNI o iniciar sesión con tu cuenta de MercadoPago.
No se realizará ningún cobro hasta no hacer click el botón de PAGAR.
Debido al alto ticket, y para evitar un posible rechazo en el pago, te sugerimos ingresar el pago con la cuenta de Mercado Pago del titular de la tarjeta y no como invitado.

Please note: Your items will be processed and shipped separately.

Please review your order to make sure everything is correct. Once you complete the INTERAC e-Transfer®, your order will be placed.

Your Order Details  (  ItemsItem )

Order #1

Order #2

Payment Details

Shipping Details


Billing Details

Edit Billing Details


Invoice Information


Additional Order Information
Checkout soon to lock in the great pricing for your order!
Your order time limit has expired. Products that were reserved have been released.

Order Summary

Product Subtotal(exc. GST)



Cart Threshold Savings

Configuration Savings

Instant Savings

eCoupon Savings

Loyalty Savings

Additional Savings

SheerId Savings


Rewards Applied


IPT & Levees



Copyright Fee

Chemical Fee



Heavy Weight


Store Pickup


Retail Delivery Fee

Overrride Shipping Fee
Please enter 50 characters

Sales Tax

Add Tax Exemption
Add Offline Payment
Please enter 10 characters
Please enter 10 characters
Please enter 10 characters
Please enter 10 characters

Recycling Fee

Sales Tax
Are you tax exempt?
Tax Exempt
By submitting a claim for tax-exemption online you are attesting that the purchase qualifies for tax-exemption in your state based on the nature of the transaction. Your digital signature will be affixed as part of this process as if you are creating the exemption documentation using your internal process and submitting a PDF to Lenovo
Provide Documentation
Changing state will invalid the tax exemption, please reclick the "Provide Documentation" if you want to reapply the tax exemption

Whether the document has been filled in, close the ECMS window?






English - In Store Pickup

Estimate Total

Inc. delivery

You Are Saving

Notice: The Rep. ID should be exactly 10 digits. Please enter a valid RepID or leave it blank to proceed. Please enter a valid Rep ID to continue. If you do not know the REP ID, please leave repId field blank.
Rep found
I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions
I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy,   Lenovo Sales Agreement and verify that I am over the age of 18.
I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions and the Warranty Service Policies
He leído y acepto los *
IHe leído y acepto las *
Select an Approver*

Place Your Order

Submit For Approval

Proceed to Pay

Submit for Approval

Lenovo Checkout

Verified by:


  • Not allow to change shipping or delivery address after payment process done.
  • Please review your cart to ensure the items are correct. Once your payment information is verified, your order is immediately sent to be manufactured to meet the estimated ship date.

Part Number:
Your Price
Purchased with System:
Web Price
Instant Saving Price
Buy with a PC and Save!
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Trial Redeemed
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My Lenovo Rewards



Rewards are subject to local max rewards caps. Please see our FAQs page for details.

as a MyLenovo Rewards member, you will earn Rewards with any eligible purchase.



Rewards are subject to local max rewards caps. Please see our FAQs page for details.

We're sorry, you can not earn or redeem rewards on Subscription products. Details
We're sorry, Data Center and Subscription products cannot earn Rewards. Details
My Lenovo Rewards
Early access to sales & exclusive offers to members
Already a member?
We're sorry, you can not earn or redeem rewards on Subscription products. Details
We're sorry, Data Center and Subscription products cannot earn Rewards. Details
last chance to earn rewards!

  • Earn rewards for future purchases from everything you buy on!
  • Earn even more for engaging with us and inviting friends & family to join!
  • Get access to exclusive perks and more
By joining, you agree to the Terms of Service, and you are opting in to receive Lenovo marketing communications via emails.
We're sorry, you can not earn or redeem rewards on Subscription products. Details
We're sorry, Data Center and Subscription products cannot earn Rewards. Details
Do you want to save this address as default one for next order?
Do you want to save this payment information as default?
Please do not close this modal before your payment
Please click below button according to your payment condition after your payment
He leído y acepto los
IHe leído y acepto las
Shipping Preference
Taxpayer Profile (Ingresos Brutos)
Multilateral Agreement
Registered (IIBB) in Salta
Registered (IIBB) in Santa Fe
Registered (IIBB) in San Luis
Registered (IIBB) in Corrientes
Coefficient IIBB Salta
Coefficient IIBB Santa Fe
Coefficient IIBB San Luis
Coefficient IIBB Corrientes
Enter 4 decimal digits in this format: 0.XXXX
In case you require an Invoice Type "A" (Factura A), please select the applicable option in the Customer Type field on the next step.
VAT Number validation timeout, please retry .
Please enter State in ship address
tax exempt submit
Tax Exemption is successful.
Tax Exemption Failed. Please retry with correct input.
In case you require an invoice type 'A' (Factura A), select the corresponding option in the Customer Type field on the next step.
close dialog
There are two ways to complete your payment:
Continue in Browser
Clicking the button below will open a new window. Select your bank, complete the INTERAC e-Transfer®, and then return to this screen to see your order.
Continue in Browser
Scan QR Code
Use your phone or tablet to scan the QR code. This allows you to directly interact with your bank’s app. speeding up sign in and approval. Simply scan the QR code and follow the instructions, then return to this screen once complete.
qr code

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2593 0388
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