Lenovo Official Brand Store (Causeway Bay): 1/F, 36 Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong (2592 9822)
Join our hashtag activity to get DDED memo pack
Share the photo of our new store in social media, hashtag #LenovoConceptExperienceStore and tag 3 of your friends to get a DDED memo pack. Gifts are in limited quantity. First come, first served.

嶄新O2O體驗 盡享購物樂趣
於Lenovo銅鑼灣及Lenovo 概念體驗店購物,可享多重獨家優惠及購物體驗
Lenovo第一時間將最新產品帶到官方專門店,讓您比其他人更快更早體驗最新電腦型號 ! 我們更展出 eShop 及官方專門店獨家型號,您可先到官方專門店確認產品是否迎合您的需要。
Lenovo 官方專門店定期推出獨家優惠,例如:O2O 自訂優惠、Trade-in 優惠、指定產品優惠及換購優惠,讓您買得不同,買得更好。
Lenovo 官方專門店的專業團隊能為您提供專業產品推介,並於訂購自訂電腦時協助您選購最適合您的配置,確保您每一分錢都用得其所。
Click To Collect 輕鬆網購 店取現貨
於 Lenovo eShop 訂購電腦但希望馬上到手 ? 沒問題 ! 只需於購物車版面的「遞送/取貨」一欄選擇「免費到店取貨」,您的訂單將送到 Lenovo 官方專門店, 並最快於2小時後讓您於Lenovo 官方專門店提貨(只適用於專門店現貨,現貨庫存請致電+852 25929822查詢。)
Lenovo 概念體驗店特設智能零售系統體驗區,讓你感受嶄新零售方式。
Address: 1/F, 36 Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 10am - 8pm daily incl. public holiday
Tel: +852 2592 9822
Lenovo Official Brand Store Trade In Program
Evaluate Now1. Bring your device to Lenovo Store
Search your trade-in product and trade-in value and bring it to Lenovo Store
Address: 1/F, 36 Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway Bay
2. Condition check and evaluation
Your Trade-in Product(s) will be examined at store. Once your item(s) are verified, Lenovo staff will inform your final Trade-in offer.
3. Get the coupon
The coupon will be given immediately
4. Enjoy shopping at Lenovo Store
You can buy selected product at Lenovo store product by using the coupon to enjoy discount instantly.
(The e-coupon is valid for below selected series of products only)
• ThinkPad
• ThinkBook
• ThinkCentre
• ThinkStation
• Legion
Not available at home or office for our delivery?
Simply follow our “Click to Collect” instructions to order your products on Lenovo eShop, and you can pick up your order at our Official Brand Store in Causeway Bay soonest in 2 hours*.
*Only applicable to the products in stock in Official Brand Store. For the stock availability in Official Brand Store, please contact +852 25929822. Otherwise, delivery time of “Click to Collect” orders are the same as normal Lenovo eShop orders, which varies from 3 days to 8 weeks upon order is placed. Please refer to the product shipping time listed in Lenovo eShop.

1. Choose the products you want like you used to order from Lenovo eShop… Don’t forget the warranty upgrade and accessories!
2. Confirm your model and configuration in your shopping cart
3. Choose “FREE Pickup in Store” as your delivery option in your shopping cart
4. Proceed to payment and finish placing your order.

1. After your order has been placed successfully, our team will call and confirm you soonest after 2 hours that your order is ready in our store.
2. Upon receiving confirmation call, bring along the invoice or order confirmation email and visit our store in Causeway Bay to pick up your order at anytime during our working hours!