Lenovo Operational Impact | Sustainability

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Lenovo ESG

Operational Impact

Our approach

Lenovo is wholly committed to environmental leadership in all of our business activities — from operations to product design and recycling solutions. We have various measures in place to help us lessen our impact on our planet and to reduce, reuse, and recycle wherever possible. These include our:

  • Environmental Affairs Policy
  • Environmental Management System
  • Commitment to sustainability
  • Efforts in combatting climate change
  • Achievements to minimize waste and water usage
  • Partnerships with environmental third parties

Environmental Affairs Policy

Our corporate Environmental Affairs Policy sets out our goals to lead the way in environmental affairs in all of our operations worldwide and to provide long-term, innovative solutions to support our stakeholders including customers. It is something that every employee and contractor of Lenovo must support.

Click here to read our Environmental Affairs Policy.

Environmental Management System

Our Environmental Management System (EMS) reflects our global commitment to deliver innovative products in a way that minimizes their environmental impact and to continually improve our performance in this area. Our EMS is ISO 14001 certified.

Click here to learn about the scope of our EMS or here to see our ISO 14001 certificates.

Committed to Sustainability

As global citizens, we demonstrate corporate social responsibility in everything we do and everywhere we conduct business. Our Sustainability Policy expresses our pledge to taking care of the long-term economic, social, and environmental health of our company and the communities in which we operate.

We also publish an annual ESG Report which outlines the various initiatives that we have undertaken, as well as the many milestones that we have achieved.

To read our Sustainability Policy, click here.

Combating Climate Change

Lenovo recognizes that climate change is a serious threat. We believe that we should all do our part to reduce harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We acknowledge and accept the findings of current climate science which indicate a human contribution to climate change. And we support the conclusions in the latest Assessment Reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

We are dedicated to reducing our GHG emissions and global carbon footprint, as well driving reductions across our supply chain and customer base. As part of this commitment, we have therefore:

  • Developed a comprehensive climate change strategy to address all aspects of our business
  • Set aggressive performance objectives and targets to ensure that we stay on track

Visit our climate change page for more information.

Minimizing Waste and Water Usage

One of our primary environmental objectives for operational facilities is to minimize hazardous waste, while maximizing recycling and reuse.

Hazardous waste includes oils, coolants, organic solvents, batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, and ballasts. All of these materials are disposed of in accordance with local environmental regulations through reputable vendors. These vendors are vetted through a stringent Lenovo audit process.

Lenovo neither imports nor exports any hazardous waste.

Our manufacturing and product development operations do not have any wet processes. We only withdraw water from municipal sources and only for human use and consumption. We therefore have minimal impact on local water resources and have minimal opportunities to reuse and recycle water, though this metric is tracked. We do, however, identify and implement opportunities to reduce the amount of water we consume.

For more information on how we reduce/recycle waste and conserve water, including statistics, click here.

Environmental Partnerships

To ensure we are vigilant in protecting the environment across all of our operations, we have formed a number of partnerships with many organizations. These include:


CDP (Formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)

Consumer Technology Association

The Eco Declaration Standard

Electronics Product Stewardship Canada

Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)

International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI)

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

Product Attribute Impact Algorithm (PAIA) Project

Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)

Responsible Recycling (R2)

United Nations Global Compact

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Green Power Partnership

China Energy Conservation Program (CECP)

China Environmental Labeling Program (CELP)

PC+ China Energy Law (CEL)

Energy Saving work Association of the Chinese Institute of Electronics

China RoHS Standard Working Group

Сhina WEEE Working Group

China ePCF Project

China MIIT EPR (extended producer responsibility) Recycling Pilot Project

China MIIT Eco-Design Demonstration Enterprises Program

Green Manufacturing Association of China

China MIIT Green Manufacturing System Project

China MEE GEF POPs Project

China Medium and Low Temperature Solder Association

Alliance for High Quality and Green Development of Information and Communication Technology Industry

China Electronic Energy Saving Technology Association

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