This privacy statement was first published on May 28, 2014.
Privacy Statement for Lenovo Social Sign-On Program
Signing On to Lenovo From Social Media
You can access your Lenovo account by signing on through various social media sites such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. If you choose to sign on using this service, Lenovo will collect certain information from your social media account including your public profile, email address, birthday, contact lists, interests, likes, and current city. The information provided may be dependent on the privacy settings you have with your social media account. Lenovo will link this information to your Lenovo profile and use this information for analysis and internal marketing purposes (e.g., birthday offers).
Lenovo will not share this data with any third parties for the third parties' own use. Lenovo is a global organization, and we may share information collected through Social Sign-On within Lenovo and transfer it to countries in the world where we do business.