Save Now, Pay Later
Need business financing?
Need business financing?
Hold onto your cash and make no payments for 90 days. After that, enjoy low monthly installments.
Rent or buy, it's up to you! Lenovo's got you covered with simple, fast credit and leasing offers.
Rent or buy, it's up to you! Lenovo's got you covered with simple, fast credit and leasing offers.

Business Solution
LFS offers financing options for businesses that are looking to acquire a Lenovo solution that meets minimum eligibility requirements. Applicants should:
10 or more employees
Requesting a minimum of $4000
In business 2 years or more
Canadian commercial customers only
Join Now
Contact our specialists to apply online to be approved for business financing and increase your spending power.
*All applications are subject to LFS credit, product/soft cost and documentation policies
Why Choose Lenovo Financial Services?
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*Offer valid through March 31st.